Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Platform9 Managed Kubernetes

Platform9 Managed Kubernetes

Platform9 Managed Kubernetes –

Managed Kubernetes Prerequisites

Platform9 supports the node operating systems Ubuntu LTS 16 (64-bit) .


  • Operating system  : ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Disk space              : Minimum 20gb
  • RAM                        : 4gb
  • Networking            : 1 physical NIC with an ip address
  • No of VM’s             : 2 (1-master ,1-node)

Mandatory Guidelines : About Image

1) Everything should be built on VMs only.Ubuntu16.04 LTS.VMs should be based on KVM hypervisor
No other hypervisor (VMWare,Virtualbox) is allowed.
2) All VMs sholud be launched with below qcow2 image.
→ ncd-ubuntu1604min-lxd3.3.0-v2.qcow2
Above file available at ncdftp@
password for ncdftp user is ncodeit1234 

Disk Space Prerequisites

Each node should generally have at least 20 GB of free disk space.

RAM Prerequisites

The recommended RAM requirements are a minimum of 4 GB of RAM.

Networking Prerequisites

  • Each node should have at least one physical (or VLAN backed) NIC with an IP address. 
  • For each Kubernetes cluster that you plan to create, you must specify two unused IP subnets that are not in use by your internal network. The subnets are specified in CIDR form, and are referred to as Containers CIDR and Services CIDR.
    In general, you should not configure your network equipment to route or otherwise be aware of those subnets. Kubernetes uses the first network range to route packets between pods or containers in a cluster. The network mask is subdivided into two portions: the intra-node portion determines how many Kubernetes pods can run on a single node, and the inter-node portion determines the maximum number of nodes in a cluster. By default, the intra-node portion is 8 bits, i.e. up to 256 pods per node. So a network mask of 12 bits would allow clusters to have up to 16 nodes. For example, a new cluster named DevCluster is created with Containers CIDR= and Services CIDR=
  • The nodes should have direct Internet access.
If Masters and Workers run in a restrictive network environment, ensure the following.
Masters must be able to receive incoming connections on the following ports.
ProtocolPort RangeSourcePurpose
TCP443Workers and ClientsKubernetes API
UDP8285Masters and Workersflannel
Worker nodes must be able to receive incoming connections on the following ports.
ProtocolPort RangeSourcePurpose
TCP10250Masters and WorkersKubelet API for exec and logs
TCP10255Masters and WorkersRead-only Kubelet API
TCP4194Masters and WorkerscAdvisor
TCP30000-32767Application ClientsDefault port range for NodePort Services
UDP8285Masters and Workersflannel
Note : Swap must be disabled on the host.
sudo swapoff -a
Run the following command to update fstab so that swap remains disabled after a reboot.
sudo sed -i '/ swap / s/^\(.*\)$/#\1/g' /etc/fstab

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