AWS Tasks & Solutions
Create an account in AWS :
Point-1 : Go to AWS account link in browser
Step-1: Go to > Click on Signup button (Top right corner)
Point -2 : Provide personal details
Step-1: Select "I am new user" and sign up. It will ask you some information like Name, email id, password.
Step-2: Give the information like Name, Country, Address, Phone No, ZIP.
Point-3 : Providing card details
Step-1: It will ask you for a valid credit card (You can use prepaid debit card also if you don't have credit card).
Point-4 : Mobile number verification
Step-1: After that your phone no will be verified > After phone verification you have successfully created your aws account. Now you can use any of the aws services based on your requirement.
Create AWS IAM users :
Point-1: Go to IAM services in AWS console
step-1 : Services > IAM
Point-2: Adding IAM users
step-1: In the navigation pane select Users and then click on add user
Point-3: Selecting how these users will access AWS. Access keys and autogenerated passwords are provided in the last step
step-1: Select aws access type >Programmatic access (Enables an access key ID and secret access key for the AWS API, CLI) >AWS Management Console access (Enables a password that allows users to sign-in to the AWS Management Console.) For the aws management console access you can select custom password or auto generated password
Step-2: click on next:permissions
Point-4 : Giving permissions to the users to access aws resources
step-1 : set permissions > Click on Next:Review Here you see the user details
Point-5 : Step-1 : Click on Create user After you create the user, you can view and download the autogenerated password and access key. With that credentials you can log in as IAM user we are creating IAM user for accessing the everyday tasks in AWS resources with secure
Create AWS IAM users :
Point-1 : Go to IAM services in console
step-1 : Services > IAM
Point -2: creating IAM groups
Step-1 : In the navigation pane select groups and click on create a group By creating groups we can make it easier to manage the permissions for those users in group
Point-3 : Giving group name and attaching policies to the group
Step-1 : Give group name and then click on next Attach policy (you can Select one or more policies to attach. Each group can have up to 10 policies attached.)
Point-4 : Review the information and click on create group
Point-5 : Adding users to group
Step-1: select the check box of that group you created> group actions>add users to group Step-2: select users and click add users
Create groups in IAM and add users to group :
Point-1 : Go to IAM in AWS console
step-1 : Services > IAM
Point-2 : Creating IAM roles to grant permissions to entities that you trust in a secure way Step-1: In the navigation pane select roles > create role
Point-3 : Selecting the type of trusted entity and choosing the service
Step-1: Select type of trusted entity >Choose the service that will use this role IAM roles issue keys that are valid for short durations, making them a more secure way to grant access.
Point-4 : Attaching permission policies to role
Step-1 : Attach permission policy > Review > give role name > click on create role
Create IAM role :
Launch EC2 instance in AWS :
Point-1: Sign in to the aws account and Go to aws services select EC2 ( you can find EC2 under compute service)
Note: Be sure to select the AWS region you want to launch the instance in.
Point-2 : Selecting the AMI it provide information required to launch an instance, and selecting instance type and Configuring the instance details like choose Network, and then choose the entry for your default VPC and choose subnets
Step-1: Choose AMI > choose instance type > configure instance details ( select subnet,vpc ) Instance type comprises varying combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity and give you the flexibility to choose the appropriate mix of resources for your application
Point-3 : Adding storage to instance , Naming the instance and configuring security groups details like adding rules to security group
Step-1: Click on Next add storage > Add tags > Configure security group ( security group details)
Point -4 : Review the Instance Details and launching instance
Step-1 : choose Review and Launch.
Point-5 : Downloading key pairs to log in to your instance
Step-1 : Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair > select the acknowledge agreement box>choose Launch Instances.
Step-2 :Click View Instances to check the status of your instance.
Converting Your Private Key Using PuTTYgen :
Point-1 : Converting your private key (.pem ) format to .ppk Because putty does not support prvate key in .pem format generated by EC2 instance
Step-1: Download PuTTygen and start PuTTygen
Step-2: choose RSA and click on Load
Point -2 : Selecting your .pem file from your pc
Step-1: Select .pem file for the key pair that you download when you launched instance > Open > OK
Step-2: Save private key and specify the name to that private key
Connect to an EC2 instance via SSH using Putty :
Point-1: Go to EC2 service in AWS console
step-1 : services > EC2
Point-2 : Connecting to EC2 instance
step-1 :Choose instances > select any instance that you launch > Connect
Point-3 : Connecting EC2 instance using putty
Step-1: Start PuTTy session and enter Hostname as <user_name@Public DNS (IPv4)> (If you assign public IP whle launching instance)
Point-4 : slecting the putty configuration for authentication
step-1: Click Connection > choose SSH > expand SSH > Auth
Point-5 : Browse the private key file for authentication
step-1: Choose Browse > Select the .ppk file that you generated for your key pair > Open. Login: user_name of your instance
Attach IAM role to an EC2 instance :
Point-1 : Go to EC2 service in AWS console
step-1 : Services > EC2
Point-2 : Slecting instances and attach IAM role
Step-1: Choose instances > select any instance that you launch> Actions
Step-2: Instance setting> Attach/replace IAM role
Point-3 : choosing the IAM role to instance that you created
step-1: Select IAM role from drop down > Apply
Create a security group, Add rules to security groups,remove security group :
Point-1 : Go to EC2 service in AWS console
step-1 : Services > EC2
Point-2: Creating security group
step-1 : EC2 > select security groups> create security group
Point-3 : Giving the details of security group and provide a description. Selecting the ID of your VPC
Step-1: Security group name>Description >VPC
Point-4 : add rules to security group to control the inbound traffic and outbound traffic to instances
Step-1: Add rules for the inbound and outbound > create
Point-5 : Deleting security group
Step-1: Select a security group you created > Actions > Delete Security Group > Choose Yes, Delete.
Creating an AutoScaling group using the amazon EC2 :
Point-1 : Go to EC2 service in AWS console
step-1 : Services > EC2
Point-2 : Creating autoscaling group to maintain the right number of instances for your application,scale it according to your needs
step-1 : In the navigation pane select auto scaling groups under auto scaling > create a auto scaling group > Get started
Point-3 : Selecting the AMI it provide information required to launch an instance, and selecting instance type and Configuring the instance details like choose Network, and then choose the entry for your default VPC and choose subnets and creating launch configuration
Step-1: choose AMI > instance type > configure details > add storage > configure security groups > review > Create launch configuration
Point-4 : Downloading key pairs to log in to your instance and configuring auto scaling groups
step-1: create a new key pair > create launch configuration>configure auto scaling groups >>> In configuring auto scaling groups select VPC,subnet and group size
Point-5 : Giving scaling policies for making such adjustments in response to an Amazon CloudWatch alarm that you assign to it..
Step-1: Configure scaling policies > Configure notifications > configure tags > review > Create auto scalng group
Attach an instance to a new autoscaling group using the console and attach an instance to an existing Auto Scaling group using the console :
Point-1 : Go to Ec2 service in AWS console
Point-2 : Attaching an autoscalling group to instance
Step-1: EC2> choose instances > select any instance Click on actions > instance settings > Attach to auto scaling group
Point-3 : Giving the details to autoscaling group
Step-1: select a new auto scaling group and give group name > Attach
Point-4 : Attach an instance to existing autoscaling groups
Step-1: Select instance > Actions > instance setting > Attach to auto scalaing group
Step-2: Select existing autoscaling group > attach
Create VPC in AWS :
Point-1 : Go to VPC service in AWS console
step-1 : Services>VPC
Point-2 : Creating VPC
Step -1 : Click your VPCs > create VPC
Point-3 : Specify CIDR block with your VPC to add a route automatically your VPC route tables to enable routing within the VPC
Step-1: Give name tag > enter IPV4 CIDR block > Yes,create
Create Subnet and Create Route tables in AWS console :
Point-1 : Go to VPC service in AWS console
step-1 : Services>VPC
Point-2 : Creating subnet
Step-1: Choose subnets > Create subnet
Point-3: Providing the name to your subnet and choose a VPC and selecting availability zone
Step-1: Give name tag > Select VPC from drop down > Select Availability Zone > enter Valid IPV4 CIDR block > Create ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Point-1: Creating Routetable
Step-1: Services > VPC
Step-2: choose route tables > create Route table >GIve name tag > select VPC > create
Create Internet Gateway and attach Internet gateway to VPC :
Point-1 : Go to VPC service in AWS console
Step-1 : Services > VPC
Point-2 : Creating internet gateway in VPC to provide a target in your VPC route tables for internet-routable traffic.
Step-1: Choose Internet gate way > create internet gateway
Step-2: Enter a name tag > create
Point-3 : Attach an Internet gateway to VPC
Step-1: select any internet gateway that you created
Step-2: Click on actions > attach to VPC
Create NATGATEWAY,delete NAT gateway :
Point-1 : Go to VPC service in AWS console
Step-1 : Services > VPC
Point-2 : Creating NAT gateway to enable instances in a private subnet to connect to AWS services
Step-2: In the navigation pane Choose NAT gateway > create NAT gateway
Point-3 : Specifying subnet and EIP To create NAT gate way you must specify the public subnet and allocate a Elastic IP
Step-1: Select subnet ( select pblic subnet) > Allocate Elastic IP (if you dont have EIP then create a new EIP) > create a NAT gateway
Point-4 : Delete a NAT gateway
Step-1: Go to VPC in AWS console > In navigation pane select NAT gateway
Step-2: selcect a NAT gate way you created > click on Actions > delete NAT gateway
Create a Route for NAT gateway :
Point-1 : Go to VPC service in AWS console
Step-1: Services > VPC
Point-2 : Create a route for NAT gateway
Step-1 : choose Route tables > select route which is associated with private subnet
Point-3 : Adding routes to Routetable which is associated with private subnet
Step-1: choose Routes > Edit > Add another route
Step-2 : For destination enter
Step-3 : For target select NAT gateway ID > Save
Create Network ACL ,associate a subnet with a network ACL, disassociate a subnet from a network ACL, delete a network ACL :
Point-1 : Go to VPC service in AWS console
step-1 : Services > VPC
Point-2 : Creating Network ACL to provide an optional layer of security for your VPC that acts as a firewall for controlling traffic in and out of one or more subnets
Step-1 : Choose Network ACLs in navigation pane > create NACL > Give name tag and Select VPC > create
Point-3 : Associating a subnet with NACL
Step-1 : Choose a NACL that you create > In the details select subnet associations > edit > tick on the associate checkbox > Save
Point-4 : Disassociating a Network ACL from a Subnet
Step-1 : Choose a NACL that you create > In the details select subnet associations > edit > untick on the associate checkbox > Save
Step-2 : Choose NACL > Delete
Create Customer gateway and Virtual private gateway attach to VPC :
Point-1 : Go to VPC service in AWS console
step-1 : Services > VPC
Point-2 : Creating customer gateway to provides information to AWS about your customer gateway device or software application.
Step-2 : Choose customer gateways in the navigation pane > create customer gateway Step-3 : Give the name > select the type of routing > Give the IP address ( must be valid public IP address ) > Create customer gateway
Point-3 : Creating Virtual private gateway to anchor the VPN connection AWS side
Step-1 : Choose Virtual private gateways in VPC dashboard > create Virtual private Gateway > Give nametag > Slect the type of ASN
Point-4 : Attach VPG to VPC
Step-1 : Select Virtual private gateway you created > click on actions > Attach to VPC > select VPC from dropdown > Attach
Create VPN connection in AWS :
Point-1 : Go to VPC service in AWS console
step-1 : Services > VPC
Point-2 : Creating VPN connection to connect between your VPC and your own network Step-1 : Choose VPN connection in the navigation pane > VPN connections > create VPN connection
Point-3 : Selecting VPG and Customer gateway because these two are must specify to get VPN connection
Step-1 : Give name tag > select Virtual private gateway from dropdown > selct customer gateway from dropdown > select one of routing options
Step-2 : Tunnel options > Give the Inside IP CIDR and Pre-Shared Key for VPN tunnels > Create VPN connection if you dont specify the tunnel details they will be randomly generated by Amazon.
Create an EBS volume and attach volume to instance using AWS console :
Point-1 : Go to EC2 service in AWS console
step-1 : Services > EC2
Point-2 : Creating EBS Volume to provide persistent block storage volumes for use with Amazon EC2 instances in the AWS Cloud.
Step-1 : In the navigation bar click on volumes > create Volume
Point-3 : Selecting the volume types and availbility zone..EBS volumes can only be attached to EC2 instances within the same Availability Zone.
Step-1 : Select volume type > specify the size ( min: 1 GiB, max: 16384 GiB ) > select availability zone > select snapshot ID
Step-2 : Tick the check box Encryption > select Master key > add tags > create Volume Point-4 : Attaching EBS volume to EC2 instance for extra storage
step-1 : select volume that you created > click on Actions > Attach Volume > Select the instance ID > Give Device name > Attach
Create an EBS snapshot using AWS :
You can create EBS snapshot in two ways 1st way:
Point-1 : Go to EC2 service in AWS console
step-1 : Services > EC2
Point-2 : Creating snapshot to back up the data on your Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon S3
Step -1 : select snapshots in the navigation bar > create snapshot > Select Volume ID from dropdown > Type Description
Step-2 : click on create snapshot 2nd way :
Point-1 : Go to EC2 service in AWS console
step-1 : Services > EC2
Point -2 : Creating Snapshots
Step-1 : Click on volumes in the navigation pane > select the volume that you created > Actions > Create snapshot > Description > create snapshot
Create a bucket in S3 and upload file into bucket :
Point-1 : Go to S3 service in AWS console
step-1: Services> S3
Point-2: Creating S3 bucket to upload data in that bucket
Step-1 : Create bucket > give bucket name > select region > Next
Point-3 : Enabling vesrioning and giving permissong to your bucket
Step-3 : Enable versioning by selecting check box > Next > set permissions ( grant pubilc access to bucket) > Next >Create Bucket
Point-4 : Uploading files into bucket
Step-1 : click on the bucket that you created > Click Upload > Add files> select the templates from PC > Next
Point-5: Giving permissions to the objects that you upload in bucket
Step -1 : Set permissions > Next > Select storage class > Next > upload If you want to access bucket to public select grant the permissions to read access If you dont want to access bucket to public select dont grant the permissions to read access
Create a Lifecycle Policy for an S3 Bucket :
Point-1 : Go to S3 service in AWS console
step-1: Services> S3
Point-2 : Creating lifecycle policy to bucket
Step-1 : Click on the bucket that you want to create life cycle policy > click on management tab Point-3: Adding lifecyclerule and specifying the details
Step-1 : Click add life cycle rule > Enter Rule name > Next > Choose version > Add transitions > select object creation > Enter days after creation
Step-2: Next > Choose version > Enter the expiration days how many days you want
Step-3 : Next > Save
Create Elastic file system :
Point-1 : Go to EFS service ( under the Storage service ) in AWS console
step-1 : Services> EFS
Point-2: Creating elastic file system to provide scalable file storage for use with Amazon EC2
step-1 : Click on create Elastic File system > Select your VPC from dropdown > Select the check boxes for all of the Availability Zones Make sure availability zones have the default subnets, automatic IP addresses
Step-2 : Click on Next step > Review the details > create file system
Create Classic Load Balancer :
Point-1: Go to EC2 services in AWS console
step-1 : Services > EC2
Point-2 : creating load balancer to distributes incoming application traffic across multiple EC2 instances in multiple Availability Zones
Step-1 : Click on load balancers in the navigation pane > Create load balancer > Select classic load balancer
Point-3 :Providing a basic configuration for your load balancer, such as a name, a network, and a listener.
Step-1 : Define balncers > give load balancer name > select vpc
Point-4 : Assigning security groups to your load balancer and selecting instance
step-1 : assign security groups > click on Next: Configure security settings > Next > Configure health check
Step-2 : Next >Select instance > Review and create > Create
Create cluster in Amazon ECS :
Point-1: Go to Elastic container service in AWS console
step-1 : services > ECS
Point-2 :Creating a cluster
step-1 : select clusters in navigation bar > create cluster > select Cluster template > next step selection of cluster template based on your requirement
Step -2 : specify cluster name > click the check box of create VPC > create
Install and configure the AWS CLI on a EC2 instance and create bucket usiing aws cli :
Point-1 : Launch an EC2 instance and connect to that instance via ssh using putty
Point-2 : Installing AWS cli in terminal
step-1 : Run the below command to install aws cli <pip install --upgrade --user awscli> Point-3 : Configure the aws in terminal
Step-1 : Run the below command to configure aws <aws configure> it will ask acces key ID , secret key access and default region enter the details of access key ID and secret key access
Point-4 : Creating bucket in specified region
Step-1: Run the below command to create bucket in specified region <aws s3 mb s3://mybucket --region us-east-1> ( this command works when you gave S3 access permission to user in console)
Point-5 : To list the all of objects
Step-1 : Run the below command to see list of buckets <aws s3 ls>
Create SNS topic,subscribe to a topic and publish SNS topic :
Point-1 : Go to Simple notification service in AWS console
Point-1 : Go to Simple notification service in AWS console
step-1 : Services > Simple Notification Service you can find the SNS under application integration
Point-2 : Creating a topic to provide an access point for publishers and subscribers to communicate with each other
step-1 : Click on create topic > Enter topic name > Enter display name > create topic topic name will be used to create a permanent unique identifier called an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Point-3 : Creating Subscription to the endpoint will receive all messages published to that topic.
Step-1 : Click on create subscription > select Email in the protocal dropdown box > In the endpoint box give your email id> create subscription
Point-4 : Publishing a message to the email address you defined in the previous step. Step-1 : In the navigation click on topics> select topic > publish to topic publish page appears
Step-2 : Type subject line >select message type > type a brief message in message box > click publish message
Create cloudwatch alarms for an instance in AWS console :
Point -1 : Go to Ec2 service in AWS console
step-1 : Services > EC2
Point-2 : Creating a cloud watch alarm
Step-1 : Choose instances in the navigation bar > select instance > click on Actions
Step-2 : Click cloud watch monitoring > enable detailed monitoring > add/edit alarms Point-3: Creating a topic
Step-1 : create alarm > create a topic > type the name of topic > enter the recipients in with these recipients box
Step-2 : Give the details of metrics > create alarm example: for whenever select Average of CPU utilization for ls choose >= and type 80 percent, for For at least, type 1 consecutive period of 5 Minutes.
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